Club Constitution

The name of this voluntary association shall be Leadon Vale Cycling Club (“the Club”).

Subject to the matters set out below, the Club and its property shall be administered and managed in accordance with this Constitution by the members of the Committee.

Aims and Objectives
(a) to promote cycle travel for health, leisure, friendships and pleasure and to encourage people to see their bicycles as a cheap, efficient, viable alternative means of transport.
(b) to provide an organised structure for members to:

  • Participate in both formal and informal cycle rides.
  • Benefit from cycle-related training.
  • Gain the confidence and experience to cycle safely.
  • Enjoy the support and friendship of other members through cycling.

(c) to communicate and share information about cycling by use of the website which is located at, general meetings and social events
(d) to work within the community to promote positive attitudes towards cycling and to encourage more people to use their bicycles.
(e) to represent the needs of cyclists to local councils and other relevant public bodies.
(f) to encourage Local Authorities to pursue policies which actively encourage cycling

(a) The Club has an open constitution and is open to all without discrimination on the grounds of ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs.
(b) Any person over the age of 18 who supports the aims and objectives may become a full member in accordance with membership rules.
(c) Junior membership shall be available to those in the 14 to 17 age group, subject to parental approval and in accordance with other membership rules. Riders in this age group must have been assessed to ensure competence on the road.
(d) Membership runs from the date of receipt by the Secretary of the membership fee until the 30th September in any year.
(e) Membership lapses when a renewal payment is not made by the 30th November in any year.
(f) A full list of members will be kept by the Secretary
(g) All members, with the exception of junior members, will have voting rights.
(h) The Committee shall have full power and discretion as to the admission and refusal of any person as a member. If at any time the Committee considers that the interests of the Club require it they can terminate the membership of any member. Before any such member can be expelled the Secretary shall give him or her details of the complaints against them and at least 10 days written notice of the date of the next committee meeting at which such member shall be entitled to attend or submit written representations for consideration. At least two-thirds of the Committee present at such meeting must vote for the expulsion which shall then have an immediate effect.

The Committee
(a) A Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to carry out the business of the Club.
(b) The Committee shall have between 5 and 12 members.
(c) The Committee will be made up of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Captain, Secretary and Treasurer. Roles can be given to other members as the Committee may decide from time to time.
(d) The Committee can fill vacancies on the Committee arising during the year by co-opting members.
(e) The Committee shall aim to meet at least 4 times a year. (f) No Committee meeting or Committee decision can take place or be ratified if less than 4 Committee Members are present or in agreement.
(g) The Committee has the delegated authority to raise funds and to invite and receive contributions from third parties.
(h) The Committee has the delegated authority to sell, buy, lease or exchange any property necessary for the achievement of the Club’s aims & objectives.

(a) All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the Club.
(b) The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the Club.
(c) The financial year of the club will end on 30th September. (d) An audited statement of annual accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting. Any cheques drawn against Club funds must hold the signatures of at least to two designated Club officers.

Annual General Meeting
(a) At least 21 days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be given to all members by the Secretary.
(b) The AGM will receive a report from Club officers and a statement of audited accounts.
(c) Election of all Club officers will take place at the AGM.
(d) The quorum for AGMs will be 8 members or 25% of the membership, whichever shall be least.

Extraordinary General Meetings
(a) An Extraordinary General Meeting ( EGM ) may be convened when deemed desirable by the Committee or upon the written request of at least 8 members.
(b) The Secretary will give 14 clear days’ notice to all members of such a meeting with details of the business to be discussed
(c) The quorum for EGMs will be 8 members or 25% of the membership, whichever shall be least.

Club and Member’s Liability and Indemnity
(a) Every member shall undertake any cycling activities organised by the Club at their own risk. It is the individual members responsibility that they have in place insurance in such sums and in respect of such risks as shall in all the circumstances be reasonable.
(b) Every member indemnifies the Club’s Committee and other members against all costs claims and liabilities incurred by such member arising out of such cycling activities
(c) The Club’s financial liability to individual members will not exceed the annual membership fee.

(a) A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of the membership.
(b) In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets will be transferred to the trustees for the time being of Queen Elizabeth II Playing Fields Corse & Staunton.

Amendments to the Constitution
(a) The Constitution will only be changed through agreement by majority vote at an AGM or EGM.

(a) Corse & Staunton Cycling Club hereby adopts and accepts this Constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members