Data Protection Agreement

Leadon Vale Cycling Club will hold member details entered during registration to the club web site (  In the event of an emergency, relevant details can be accessed by authorised officers of the club.  It is important that members amend their registration details should they change.  Our club year commences on 1st October, any members who have not renewed by the following 31st December will automatically have their details deleted.

The data we may hold is; name, postal address, telephone number (mobile & landline), email address and date of birth.  This data is held securely on the LVCC database, which is only accessible to nominated members.  We do not share this data with any third parties.

Officers of LVCC will have access to member’s email address and mobile phone number.  This data is used to communicate with members concerning club news.

Nominated members act as a “Contact” and have access to all member’s phone numbers.  All members will be issued with the Contact’s mobile numbers.  If anyone needs a member’s phone number due to an event on a club ride they can call a Contact who will be able to pass on the information.

Members take photographs during rides and some may be posted on the LVCC website.  If any member does not wish to feature, they should advise the photographers on the day.  If they appear in error in photos, this will be corrected by the webmaster as soon as possible after advice is received.

Please advise the committee now or in the future if you do not agree and wish your details to be deleted.